Common Interests Group

Experience the power of partnership and shared knowledge – Join Common Interest Groups for:

  • Networking with like-minded institutions for collaboration
  • Innovation in teaching, research, and administration by sharing ideas and best practices
  • Visibility: Enhance your institution’s international profile and attract a wider community of students and academics.
  • Impact: Make a meaningful impact on global education and contribute to the internationalisation of higher education in India.

Explore Diverse Opportunities for Collaboration

Joint Degree/Dual Degree Programs: Engage in creating shared academic programs that allow students to experience diverse educational environments and earn degrees recognized by multiple institutions.

Twinning Programs: Participate in twinning programs that offer students the opportunity to study part of their course at your institution and part at a partner institution, enriching their learning experience.

Research Collaboration: Collaborate on research projects, sharing expertise, resources, and knowledge to advance scholarly pursuits and address global challenges.

Exchange of Students/Faculty/Technical Staff/Administrators: Enhance the global perspective of your academic community by participating in exchange programs. These exchanges provide invaluable experience and broaden the scope of learning and research.

Joint / Dual Degree

Twinning Programme

Research Collaboration
